[1] Erhan Adal, Fundamentals of Turkish Private Law (3rd edn, Legal 2005); Erdem Büyüksagis, 'Turkish Contract Law Reform: Standard Terms, Unforeseen Circumstances, And Judicial Intervention' (2016) 17 European Business Organization Law Review;
[2] Erdem Büyüksagis, 'Turkish Contract Law Reform: Standard Terms, Unforeseen Circumstances, And Judicial Intervention' (2016) 17 European Business Organization Law Review; Tuğrul Ansay and Don Wallace, Introduction to Turkish Law (Kluwer law international 2011).
[3] Ilhan Helvacı, Turkish Contract Law (Springer International Publishing 2018).
[4] Ibid; 'Turkish Obligation Code 2012 Official Gazette' (Resmigazete.gov.tr, 2019) <
http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2011/02/2011...> accessed 3 September 2019.
[5] Erdem Büyüksagis, 'Turkish Contract Law Reform: Standard Terms, Unforeseen Circumstances, And Judicial Intervention' (2016) 17 European Business Organization Law Review; 'Türk Borçlar Kanunu No.6098' (Mevzuat.gov.tr, 2019) <
http://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/MevzuatMetin/1.5.6098.pd...> accessed 3 September 2019.
[6] William L. Grossman, 'The Legal Philosophy of Roscoe Pound' (1935) 44 The Yale Law Journal; Erdem Büyüksagis, 'Turkish Contract Law Reform: Standard Terms, Unforeseen Circumstances, And Judicial Intervention' (2016) 17 European Business Organisation Law Review.
[7] Ibid; AKİL Cenk, 'Hakimin Hukuku Kendiliğinden Uygulaması İlkesi' (2008) 57 Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi.
[8] Hans-Bernd Schäfer and Hüseyin Can Aksoy, 'Alive and Well: The Good Faith Principle in Turkish Contract Law' (2015) 42 European Journal of Law and Economics; Şener Akyol, Dürüstlük Kuralı Ve Hakkın Kötüye Kullanılması Yasağı (Yetkin Yayıncılık 2006); Tugrul Ansay, D. Karlen and I. Arsel, 'Civil Litigation In Turkey' (1960) 9 The American Journal of Comparative Law.
[9] Turkish Supreme Law Court 3rd, 7.4.2008T, 5324E, 5974K; Turkish Supreme Law Court 3rd, 2.6.1998T, 4263E, 6098K; Turkish Supreme Court of Criminal Appeals, 4.12.1996T, 3-717E, 850K.
[10] 'Constitution of The Republic of Turkey' (Global.tbmm.gov.tr, 1982) <
https://global.tbmm.gov.tr/docs/constitution_en.pd...> accessed 3 September 2019; Turkish Constitutional Court, 3.4.2013T, 2012/97E, 2013/51K, RG (31 December 2013), 28868.
[11] Ejan Mackaay, 'Good Faith in Civil Law Systems: A Legal-Economic Analysis' [2012] Revista chilena de derecho privado.
[12] Turkish Supreme Court 3rd Law Chamber, 7.4.2008T, 5324E, 5974K; Dursun Ali Demirboğa, 'The Effects of The Good Faith Principle On Business Ethics' <
https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/...> accessed 5 September 2019; Alberto M. Musy, 'The Good Faith Principle In Contract Law And The Precontractual Duty To Disclose: Comparative Analysis Of New Differences In Legal Cultures' (2001) 1 Global Jurist Advances.
[13] Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ayan, Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler (9th edn, Mimoza 2015).
[14] 'The New German Law of Obligations: An Introduction German Law Archive' (Germanlawarchive.iuscomp.org, 2019) <
https://germanlawarchive.iuscomp.org/?p=357> accessed 5 September 2019.
[15] Ilhan Helvacı, Turkish Contract Law (Springer International Publishing 2018).
[16] 'Türk Borçlar Kanunu No.6098' (Mevzuat.gov.tr, 2019) <
http://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/MevzuatMetin/1.5.6098.pd...> accessed 3 September 2019.
[18] Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ayan, Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler (9th edn, Mimoza 2015).
[19] Turkish Supreme Court the 13th Law Chamber, 29.4.2014T, 2014/13315E, 2014/13503K.
[20] Ibid.
[21] İlhan Kara, Tüketici Hukuku (2012).
[22]'Türk Borçlar Kanunu No.6098' (Mevzuat.gov.tr, 2019) <
http://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/MevzuatMetin/1.5.6098.pd...> accessed 3 September 2019.
[23] Ibid.
[24] Ibid.
[25] Turkish Supreme Court the 13th Law Chamber, 26.9.2007T, 2008/4345E, 2008/6088K.
[26] Turkish Supreme Court the 3rd Law Chamber, 2.6.1998T, 1998/4263E, 1998/6098K, YKD 1998 (July), p. 977.
[27] Ibid.
[28] Ibid.
[29] Turkish Supreme Court of Criminal Appeals, 4.12.1996T, 1996/3- 717E, 1996/850K.
[30] 'Guidance Document on The Consumer Rights Directive' (Ec.europa.eu, 2014) <
https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/crd_gui...> accessed 5 September 2019; Commission v. Kingdom of Sweden, CJEU, 7 May 2002, C-478/99, ECR I-4147.
[31] 'Türk Borçlar Kanunu No.6098' (Mevzuat.gov.tr, 2019) <
http://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/MevzuatMetin/1.5.6098.pd...> accessed 3 September 2019.
[32] Ibid.
[33] Lucinda Miller, 'After the Unfair Contract Terms Directive; Recent European Directives and English Law' (2007) 3 European Review of Contract Law.
[34] [34] Hans-Bernd Schäfer and Hüseyin Can Aksoy, 'Alive and Well: The Good Faith Principle in Turkish Contract Law' (2015) 42 European Journal of Law and Economics.
[35] Gunther Teubner, Legal Irritants: Good Faith in British Law or How Unifying Law Ends Up in New Divergences. (1998).
[36] Antoine Braci, 'Contract Law: An Introduction to The English Law of Contract for The Civil Lawyer' (2015) 26 King's Law Journal.
[37] The Consumer Rights Act 2015.
[38] Turkish Supreme Court 13th Law Chamber, 29.4.2014T, 2014/13315E, 2014/13503K.
[39] Ibid.
[40] 'Türk Borçlar Kanunu No.6098' (Mevzuat.gov.tr, 2019) <
http://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/MevzuatMetin/1.5.6098.pd...> accessed 3 September 2019.
[41] John Tillotson, 'Exclusion Clauses, Consumer Protection and Business Reasonableness: The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977' (1978) 12 The Law Teacher.
[42] Turkish Supreme Court the 11th Law Chamber, 23.2.2015T, 2015/1071E, 2015/2341K.
[43] CJEU, 27 June 2000, Oce ́ano Grupo Editorial SA v. Murciano Quintero, C-240/98, ECR I-04941, p. 25.
[44] Sema Bayraktar, 'New Regulations: Challenge or Opportunity for Turkish SME's?' (2015) 7 Qualitative Research in Financial Markets.
[45] Ibid; Erdem Büyüksagis, 'Turkish Contract Law Reform: Standard Terms, Unforeseen Circumstances, And Judicial Intervention' (2016) 17 European Business Organisation Law Review.
[46] Ibid.
[47] S. B Marsh and J Soulsby, Business Law (7th edn, Nelson Thornes 2002).
[48] 'Türk Borçlar Kanunu No.6098' (Mevzuat.gov.tr, 2019) <
http://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/MevzuatMetin/1.5.6098.pd...> accessed 3 September 2019; 'Turkish Civil Code N.4721' (Tusev.org.tr, 2001) <
https://www.tusev.org.tr/usrfiles/files/Turkish_Ci...> accessed 5 September 2019.
[49] Ilhan Helvacı, Turkish Contract Law (Springer International Publishing 2018).
[50] M. Kiraly, 'A. Hartkamp, M. Hesselink, E. Hondius, C. Joustra, E. Du Perron (Eds.), Towards A European Civil Code, Second Revised and Expanded Edition, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, London, Boston, 1998, P. 652, ISBN 90 411 10313.' (1998) 3 Uniform Law Review - Revue de droit uniforme.
[51] 'Türk Borçlar Kanunu No.6098' (Mevzuat.gov.tr, 2019) <
http://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/MevzuatMetin/1.5.6098.pd...> accessed 3 September 2019.
[52] Ibid.
[53] S. B Marsh and J Soulsby, Business Law (7th edn, Nelson Thornes 2002).
[54] Ibid.
[55] 'Goodlife Foods Ltd V Hall Fire Protection Ltd' (Fenwick Elliott, 2018) <
https://www.fenwickelliott.com/research-insight/ne...> accessed 18 September 2019.
[56] Ibid.
[57] 'Türk Borçlar Kanunu No.6098' (Mevzuat.gov.tr, 2019) <
http://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/MevzuatMetin/1.5.6098.pd...> accessed 3 September 2019
[58] Ibid; Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ayan, Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler (9th edn, Mimoza 2015).
[59] Erdem Büyüksagis, 'Turkish Contract Law Reform: Standard Terms, Unforeseen Circumstances, And Judicial Intervention' (2016) 17 European Business Organisation Law Review.
[60] Murat Volkan Dülger, 'The Reflections of The Legislations Related Informatics on The Turkish Code of Obligations, Turkish Code of Commerce and Code of Civil Procedure on The Criminal Law)' [2014] SSRN Electronic Journal.
[61] S. B Marsh and J Soulsby, Business Law (7th edn, Nelson Thornes 2002).
[62] 'Watford Electronics Ltd V Sanderson CFL Ltd: CA 23 Feb 2001 - Swarb.Co. Uk' (swarb.co.uk, 2019) <
https://swarb.co.uk/watford-electronics-ltd-v-sand...> accessed 5 September 2019.
[63] The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 Sec (11).
[64] 'Türk Borçlar Kanunu No.6098' (Mevzuat.gov.tr, 2019) <
http://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/MevzuatMetin/1.5.6098.pd...> accessed 3 September 2019.
[65] Turkish Supreme Court 1st Law Chamber E. 2012/1093 K. 2012/10436 T. 01.10.2012.
[66] Ibid.
[67] Ibid.
[68] Turkish Supreme Assembly of Civil Chamber, 20.12.2000E. 2000/3-1803 K.2000/1813.
[69] Ibid.
[70] Tugrul Ansay, D. Karlen and I. Arsel, 'Civil Litigation in Turkey' (1960) 9 The American Journal of Comparative Law.
[71] Roderick Munday, 'Good Faith in European Contract Law. Edited by REINHARD ZIMMERMANN and SIMON WHITTAKER' (2000) 59 The Cambridge Law Journal; Gunther Teubner, 'Legal Irritants: Good Faith in British Law or How Unifying Law Ends Up in New Divergencies' (2003) 61 The Modern Law Review.
[72] Maud Piers, 'Good Faith in English Law— Could A Rule Become A Principle?' (Journals.tulane.edu, 2011) <
http://journals.tulane.edu/index.php/teclf/article...> accessed 5 September 2019.
[73] Ibid.
[74] Vanessa SIMS, 'Good Faith in English Contract Law of Triggers and Concentric Circles' [2004] Ankara Law Review.
[75] 'Interfoto Picture Library Ltd V Stiletto Visual Programmes Ltd: CA 12 Nov 1987 - Swarb.Co. Uk' (swarb.co.uk, 1988) <
https://swarb.co.uk/interfoto-picture-library-ltd-...> accessed 18 September 2019.
[76] Hans-Bernd Schäfer and Hüseyin Can Aksoy, 'Alive and Well: The Good Faith Principle in Turkish Contract Law' (2015) 42 European Journal of Law and Economics.
[77] John Steyn, 'Contract Law: Fulfilling the Reasonable Expectations of Honest Men' (1997) 113 Law Quarterly Review.
[78] Maud Piers, 'Good Faith in English Law— Could A Rule Become A Principle?' (Journals.tulane.edu, 2011) <
http://journals.tulane.edu/index.php/teclf/article...> accessed 5 September 2019.
[79] Ibid.
[80] Ibid.
[81] Ibid.
[82] Turkish Supreme Court Assembly of General Civil Chambers, 25.1.1984, E. 1983/3, K. 1984/1; Turkish Supreme Court 6th Law Chambers, 8.6.1953 1953/5970, K. 1953/4240; Erdem Büyüksagis, 'Turkish Contract Law Reform: Standard Terms, Unforeseen Circumstances, And Judicial Intervention' (2016) 17 European Business Organisation Law Review.
[83] S. B Marsh and J Soulsby, Business Law (7th edn, Nelson Thornes 2002).
[84] The Consumer Rights Act 2015.
[85] Turkish Consumer Protection Act 2014.
[86] Ibid; The Consumer Rights Act 2015.
[87] 'Consumer Protection Law No.6502' (Judiciaryofturkey.gov.tr, 2013) <
http://www.judiciaryofturkey.gov.tr/Consumer-Prote...> accessed 5 September 2019.
[88] Ibid.
[89] Ibid.
[90] The Consumer Rights Act 2015; Mohamed Sadat, 'Consumer Protection from Abusive Contractual Terms in English Law' (2015) 12 Journal of Law.
[91] Ejan Mackaay, 'Good Faith in Civil Law Systems – A Legal-Economic Analysis' [2011] SSRN Electronic Journal; Maud Piers, 'Good Faith in English Law— Could A Rule Become A Principle?' (Journals.tulane.edu, 2011) <
http://journals.tulane.edu/index.php/teclf/article...> accessed 5 September 2019.
[92] 'Smith v Hughes [1960]' (E-lawresources.co.uk, 2019) <
http://www.e-lawresources.co.uk/Smith-v-Hughes-%5B...> accessed 5 September 2019.
[93] 'Walford v. Miles [1992] 2 AC 128, 138HL 1992 - Swarb.Co.Uk' (swarb.co.uk, 2019) <
https://swarb.co.uk/walford-v-miles-hl-1992/> accessed 5 September 2019.
[94] 'Consumer Rights Bill - Hansard' (Hansard.parliament.uk, 2012) <
https://hansard.parliament.uk/Lords/2014-10-29/deb...> accessed 5 September 2019.
[95] Ibid.
[96] Ibid.
[97] Prof. Dr. Kemal Oğuzman, Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler 1-2 (Code of Obligation General Conditions 1-2) (11th edn, Vedat Kitapçılık 2013).
[98] The Consumer Rights Act 2015.
[99] Director General of Fair-Trading v. First National Bank [2001] UKHL 52, [2002] 1 AC 481, [17].
[100] Ibid.
[101] Maud Piers, 'Good Faith in English Law— Could A Rule Become A Principle?' (Journals.tulane.edu, 2011) <
http://journals.tulane.edu/index.php/teclf/article...> accessed 5 September 2019.
[102] Ibid.
[103] Ibid.
[104] Tugrul Ansay, D. Karlen and I. Arsel, 'Civil Litigation in Turkey' (1960) 9 The American Journal of Comparative Law.
[105] Ibid.
[106] The Consumer Rights Act 2015; Samuel Martin, 'The Evolution of Good Faith in Western Contract Law' [2018] SSRN Electronic Journal.
[107] Turkish Supreme Court the 13th Law Chamber, 13.3.1995T, 1995/02077E, 1995/02418K; Turkish Supreme Court the 13th Law Chamber, 21.11.1991T, 8374E, 10619K.
[108] Turkish Supreme Court Assembly of General Chambers, 11.11.2009T, 2009/14-456E, 2009/496K.
[109] Turkish Supreme Court Assembly of General Chambers, 11.11.2009T, 2009/14-456E
[110] Ibid.
[111] Turkish Supreme Court 13th Law Chamber, 6.4.1995T, 1995/145E, 1995/3339K; Turkish Supreme Court 3rd Law Chamber,10.22.2002T, 2003/1941E, 6791E, 9014K.
[112] Erdem Büyüksagis, 'Turkish Contract Law Reform: Standard Terms, Unforeseen Circumstances, And Judicial Intervention' (2016) 17 European Business Organisation Law Review.
[113] The Consumer Rights Act 2015; 'Consumer Rights Bill - Hansard' (Hansard.parliament.uk, 2012) <
https://hansard.parliament.uk/Lords/2014-10 29/debates/14102976000131/ConsumerRightsBill?highlight=consumer%20unfair%20terms#contribution-14102976000031> accessed 5 September 2019.